Friday, May 29, 2009

Meet My Cat Ace

My cat Ace, is about 16 years old, (100 years in human life) and he has grey fur with white fur for paws. He is a boy cat. His tail is long and very furry. He is an indoor cat, that means he lives inside only. For example, when I go to bed he will jump on my bed and start to lay with me, he also likes to go on my sister Riley's bed.

If you have any cats please comment, tell your cat's name, and a interesting fact about him.


  1. Dear Myself,

    I LOVE my cat so much I could pet him right now.

    Love the creator,
    Shane F :)

  2. Dear Shane,
    I love ace your cat that always stays under the bed, Ace he is so cute even when you see him in real life.
    Your best friend,

  3. My cats name is Stanley Peepers. and he has the pinkest nose ever. He is also an indoor cat. He loves to play and cuddle. He loves chicken and tuna. He also really loves to chew pieces of plastic and photographs for some reason. He is a very silly kitty and i love him to death.
