Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Joke Time

#1 Why was the egg blind... because it was sunny side up!
#2 Why was the pole so straight... because it was in a stiff mood!
#3 You're a bus driver. At the first stop seven people get on. At the second stop nine people get on, at the third stop three people get off, at the forth stop everyone got off. The question is what color are the bus drivers eyes... The same as yours, you're the bus driver!
#4 A cowboy road to an inn on Friday. He stayed two nights and left on Friday. How could that be... his horse was named Friday!
#5 What is the biggest pencil in the world... Pennsylvania!
#6 What a snakes favorite subject in school... hissssstory!

If you have a joke please write it in the comments.


  1. Dear Shane,

    I like joke #4 the best, the one about the horse named Friday. Cute!

    Here is a joke for you:

    How much do pirates charge for corn?

    A buccaneer! :-)

    Mrs. Yollis

  2. Dear Sugar Shane,

    You are so funny writeing these jokes that I'm going to check on this blog every day.

    (The creators dad)

  3. Dear Sugar Shane,

    My mom and I enjoyed joke #1 and playing hangman!! You are very creative! Your blog has inspired me to want to create my own! :D

    Taylor S. and Stacie
    (Taylor's mom)

  4. Dear Shane,

    I loved the jokes ecpially number 3# and 2# have fun making your blog and keep posting!!!!!!!!!!!!

